Base pigments


The Base pigments have been developed to create an almost endless range of shades by mixing them with all other Swiss Color® pigments.

For paramedical treatments, for example, 101 White can be added to achieve a natural skin tone. Also, for powdery or matte lip pigmentation, add a small amount of 101 White for the desired result. The more 101 White is added, the lighter the shade will be. 102 Yellow and 103 Orange are used to correct aubergine, violet, blue or grey faded lips and eyebrows. Important: Do not use the Base pigments pure – 104 Red is an exception and can be used on its own to achieve a bright red tone. 105 Dark Magenta is used to darken and deepen the color of lips.

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101 White se používá pro míchání jizvových a maskovacích pigmentací. Pro pigmentaci rtů přídavek 101 White vytváří jemné rty s růžovými a růžovými tóny.

Kód: 160
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105 Dark Magenta lze přidat s mírou pro ztmavení barev pro pigmentaci rtů a pro dosažení větší hloubky pigmentů. Ve vzácných případech lze 105 Dark Magenta přidat v nepatrných...

Kód: 163/5 M
2 položek celkem


The Base pigments consist of 5 pigments that can be mixed with all Swiss Color® pigments without hesitation. Like all pigments, those of the Base series are also free of iron oxides, NDELA, tartrazine, PAH, alcohol, azo dyes as well as fragrances and preservatives. All Base pigments are available in 10 ml. More information about the color scale please find in our Swiss Color® colorcard.